Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wordless - Vivian Cooper Smith

how does it feel

to be on your own
like a complete unknown
like a rolling stone

Bob Dylan

Wordless examines a life without anchors, without precedents and without hope in eternity. It examines life in the dark, without the illumination of understanding and description. It is a meditation on losing a faith and unbelieving in God.

Wordless - Vivian Cooper Smith
Now Showing at C3 Gallery at Abbotsford Convent
3-21 February


Check out Vivian's latest exhibition. A challenging and uplifting response to the questions we all think about.

I wrote an essay to accompany the show. It's on the stories page if you would like to have a read.

First published January 2010 in The Lifted Brow Volume 6
- online store

The Police and Twisted Sister in Red River Valley

I grew up not far from the East Indian border in a town called Brahmanbaria. My brother and sister and I lived a happy existence playing among the waterholes, palm trees, rice paddies and brickyards. Our friends were Bengali children from the mission as well as those from a small number of Western families who had embarked on the same grand adventure as us...

Read more on the stories page